To act fair and therefore end all the speculations about their marriage being on the rocks pixiecat should please post the other photo as well where she POSES WITH HER HUSBAND!!! at the same event!!!!!
It's not pixiecat, it's PeDe that posted the picture, and she can post what she wants, and as she is a fair poster , if she had the full pictures , she would have posted them as she is top notch for providing pictures and she doesn't have a agenda or gripe against the couple, so I think your been unfair, if you have access to the pictures , you can post them, none of us are hoping for a divorce between these two.
I just wanted to point that there is another picture (on sugarboard) that shows both together and I must admit that I had fun to participate in speculations about their state of marriage (but never wanted them to divorce or found it funny if someone divorces!) I donīt have access to post the pics, if I had, I had of course posted it immediately. And I never claimed that PeDe restrained THAT special pic on porpose. I didnīt know that PeDe might not have access to the pic that shows them together.
I just wanted to point that there is another picture (on sugarboard) that shows both together and I must admit that I had fun to participate in speculations about their state of marriage (but never wanted them to divorce or found it funny if someone divorces!) I donīt have access to post the pics, if I had, I had of course posted it immediately. And I never claimed that PeDe restrained THAT special pic on porpose. I didnīt know that PeDe might not have access to the pic that shows them together.
Okay  just wanted to be fair for PeDe, I know she would be able to answer you back herself cause she totally isn't like that and she is great for posting up pictures so she wouldn't just pick and choose to show this couple in bad light. 
Ja was ist denn hier los?  come to check in here and fireworks go off. Sweet, sweet tiger....a big mmmmmmppppffff for you, my lovely  as for posting photos, Alexia.....if I find them I post them, I generally don't discriminate. I post them ALL! I only came across this one, so I plopped it in here. But if you come across more/different photos, and don't know how to post them, point anyone one the board in the direction and they will gladly assist you with it. Du kannst mir auch eine IM schicken wenn Du hilfe brauchst, kein problem!  That's why we are here, to dish.....not to proof or disproof a situation, rumors, or speculations!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 03:00:53 AM by PeDe »
Tatiana looks fantastic in the blue jacket.  She looks healthy and beautiful.
To act fair and therefore end all the speculations about their marriage being on the rocks pixiecat should please post the other photo as well where she POSES WITH HER HUSBAND!!! at the same event!!!!!
Can you enlight me what pixiecat has to do with some picture she didn't talk about? 
I giggle about Nic's penchant for suits... it gives the impression he's put in a hard day at the office somewhere  for resurecting our favourite posing couple on RD, Miss W!
His brows seems to be growing  They looks good and happy though - if she did suffer a miscarriage, they seem to have moved on in a good way (or how to put it in a good way  ) 
To act fair and therefore end all the speculations about their marriage being on the rocks pixiecat should please post the other photo as well where she POSES WITH HER HUSBAND!!! at the same event!!!!!
Can you enlight me what pixiecat has to do with some picture she didn't talk about?  Yes, please. I'm confused  I didn't post anything and I have no idea (nor do I claim to have any information) what the state of their marriage is  I've speculated about a pregnancy, just like everyone else, but I don't think anyone here has been trying to start rumors or persuade anyone about their marriage. This is a very confusing comment, and I'm not sure why you singled me out.
To act fair and therefore end all the speculations about their marriage being on the rocks pixiecat should please post the other photo as well where she POSES WITH HER HUSBAND!!! at the same event!!!!!
Can you enlight me what pixiecat has to do with some picture she didn't talk about?  Yes, please. I'm confused  I didn't post anything and I have no idea (nor do I claim to have any information) what the state of their marriage is  I've speculated about a pregnancy, just like everyone else, but I don't think anyone here has been trying to start rumors or persuade anyone about their marriage. This is a very confusing comment, and I'm not sure why you singled me out. No pixiekitteehh, I think Alexia muddled up the names. She meant to ask me why I didn't post the photo with Gargamel & Tats, because she saw it on the net some place, and questioned the possibility that I did not post it on purpose. It had nothing to do with you 
To act fair and therefore end all the speculations about their marriage being on the rocks pixiecat should please post the other photo as well where she POSES WITH HER HUSBAND!!! at the same event!!!!!
Can you enlight me what pixiecat has to do with some picture she didn't talk about?  Yes, please. I'm confused  I didn't post anything and I have no idea (nor do I claim to have any information) what the state of their marriage is  I've speculated about a pregnancy, just like everyone else, but I don't think anyone here has been trying to start rumors or persuade anyone about their marriage. This is a very confusing comment, and I'm not sure why you singled me out. No pixiekitteehh, I think Alexia muddled up the names. She meant to ask me why I didn't post the photo with Gargamel & Tats, because she saw it on the net some place, and questioned the possibility that I did not post it on purpose. It had nothing to do with you  Thanks Peeds!  I was so confused. I don't think anyone here (especially you) would not post photos on purpose.  That's not how we roll here. We don't have an agenda 
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I just wanted to point that there is another picture (on sugarboard) that shows both together and I must admit that I had fun to participate in speculations about their state of marriage (but never wanted them to divorce or found it funny if someone divorces!) I donīt have access to post the pics, if I had, I had of course posted it immediately. And I never claimed that PeDe restrained THAT special pic on porpose. I didnīt know that PeDe might not have access to the pic that shows them together.
You seem to be implying that the rest of us would be happy if the couple divorced.  I was one of the posters who speculated a bit on the topic, but nowhere did I state that a possible divorce would have made me content. Or that it would be great fun.  Most of us have been wondering about the couple's sudden disappearance from the public eye. Even if they appeared at an event, they were alone (Nick in Romania, for example). So, this situation caught our attention and we speculated a bit on what could have been the reasons. There's nothing more to it. On a different note, I'm glad they finally appeared together. Tatiana looks much much better and healthier indeed!