Everyone does it? Please. I have never driven drunk. Fuck the sugars.
I'd love to see the booking photo, too, it's public property, no?
Everyone does it? Please. I have never driven drunk. Fuck the sugars.
I'd love to see the booking photo, too, it's public property, no?
Exactly. Either have I and I asked my daughter and son and they both say that they haven't either. If she's following the Perez Hilton book's way to fame, she's on her way to joining the likes of Paris Hilton. I don't think her Aunts or parents would be amused. Booking photo and the original police report should be public. I'm just not sure how to get them.
Buzzed driving is considered drunk driving in my lovely state of California... especially here in Los Angeles. Cops are vigilant especially in here in the South Bay (i.e. Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes, and Torrance, CA.) If they pull you over for whatever reason (DWB, DWA, DWBAHW), and smell alcohol on your breath they will cite you or worse haul your ass to jail. Gotta love Torrance PD.  Michelle, do you know if they are required to test? Here in Texas, if you refuse it's an automatic trip to jail and a blood test courtesy a judge on 24/7 for a court order/warrant. I'm just curious how they got the .07, if she took a breathalyzer on the scene or it was at the jail.
I'm glad they caught her. Hope she has had a big fright and a dose of contrition.
I'm sure TMZ could get the booking photo.
I think stupid does run in her family from her paternal grandma, to her dad, and now here. And there's stupidity on the maternal side as well. No one trained Margrethe in the domestics properly.
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Herr und Frau Googleberg
So she is 27? And an aspiring/(successful) actress?  I do wonder what Constantine really feels about his youngest daughter's career choice, and ambitions in life.
'The first generation earns the money, the second administates the money, the third studies history of art and the fourth sinks into poverty totally'. Otto von Bismarck
I'm shocked the sugar's think that drinking with any ALC is okay, it is not and not everyone does it  . The fact that she is a royal with the sugars makes it okay, god forbid that the same rules apply to their demigods as to mere mortals. It is reckless and selfish behaviour and if some one had got hurt/killed, Would the sugars stilll think it was okay. She should be sent to talk to parents who have suffered great heartache of losing children killed by selfish people would think Its only one of two drinks, what harm And let them see what one or two can really do. 
The sugars are so fu*%ing stupid  No, not "everybody" does it. And no, it is NOT okay. What if she killed somebody?! Would the sugars have told that person's family that it was okay because their loved one was killed by a royal? So unbelieveably stupid. When I was in 7th grade, a classmate of mine was driving to a choral performance with her mother. A drunk driver slammed into the side of the car my classmate was sitting on. She suffered paralysis and serious brain damage. She is now basically a vegetable in a wheelchair. Drunken driving is NOT okay. That booking photo is definitely public property. Some counties do publicize their booking photos and some do not. Either way, it's still public information. I'd also love to see it. I have heard that you can refuse to take a test in CA, but I don't know what happens after you refuse. I think you have the right to have an atty present when they test you, but I think they probably take you to jail while you wait for an atty. I'm not sure. I have a feeling that her father is probably angry at the fact that she got caught-not at her being drunk behind the wheel. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up going back to England and spending some time going to events with her parents in order to try to repair her image. Let's be honest here-she's not going to make it as a serious actress. She might get a small part here and there because of who she is, but definitely not due to her looks or acting talent.
Theodora is an idiot. And the sugars are idiots.  Seriously, they're really getting on my nerves this morning. I'm not sure it's so much that they're okay with the drunk driving as it is that they're just denying that it happened. They keep going on about how she was within the legal limit and should be presumed innocent and blah blah blah. I think they do realize that drunk driving is unacceptable, and thus we have to reorder things so that Theodora wasn't actually doing it. They're all so stupid. Obviously the officer concerned felt she was tipsy enough to warrant an arrest...and to have felt the need to perform the test anyway. Being at .07 versus the legal limit of .08 is not exactly a huge difference. No, Theodora wasn't falling down drunk, but she shouldn't have been driving a car. A lot of the people who cause major accidents aren't really all that drunk, they're just slightly tipsy. I don't understand WHY people drive when they've been drinking. It's so easy to call a cab, use public transportation depending on where you're at, designate a driver, or call a friend or relative. The laws are not all that tough where I live (it's easy to get charges dropped or get off with a small fine) and I wish they were much tougher. And the speeding...100 miles is UNBELIEVABLE. I would assume that most people have been over the speed limit before, and it's not unusual for me and most of the cars around me to do 70 on an uncrowded highway where the limit is 60, but 100 is RIDICULOUS. I don't know how anybody controls a car at that speed...I would be scared to death. You have to be incredibly stupid to be doing that, especially if that road is as difficult as previous posters have said. I hope this is a wake up call to Theodora but somehow I doubt that it will be. It's only going to cost her a little money, and she and her parents have plenty. I think the only thing that could sometimes get through to the rich, famous, special status type brats is a) actual jail time (and we know that won't happen here) or b) family disapproval, depending on their relationship with their family. I hope her parents have raked her over the coals over this, and I hope she cares enough and respects them enough to listen. (Although, to be honest, if Constantine were my father, I don't think I'd have all that much respect for anything he says, so I'm more holding out hope for her mother here.)
michelle j
Buzzed driving is considered drunk driving in my lovely state of California... especially here in Los Angeles. Cops are vigilant especially in here in the South Bay (i.e. Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes, and Torrance, CA.) If they pull you over for whatever reason (DWB, DWA, DWBAHW), and smell alcohol on your breath they will cite you or worse haul your ass to jail. Gotta love Torrance PD.  Michelle, do you know if they are required to test? Here in Texas, if you refuse it's an automatic trip to jail and a blood test courtesy a judge on 24/7 for a court order/warrant. I'm just curious how they got the .07, if she took a breathalyzer on the scene or it was at the jail. Pix, pretty much summed up my thoughts. I have never driven drunk nor buzzed so, and I don't know anyone who has personally. So... So the Princess basically got a slap on the wrist and was sent on her merry way. I highly doubt this has affected her at all, and I doubt that it will help her so called "acting" career. Again, I agree with Pix, with Teddy's looks... gurl better be more talented than Meryl Streep, Bette Davis (RIP), and Charlize Theron combined. 
Bitter Aging Ugly Fat Fraus taking a break from bitching & posting on their favorite royal board & on their way to Krispy Kreme's to buy 48 dozen glazed donuts. Then rushing home to post again whilst shoving ten donuts down their throats.
Nattie Lite
I had no idea until now that the sugars were defending her. Unbelievable. As many of you pointed out, she's going t walk away from this with a slap on the wrist and continue on her merry way. She frankly doesn't strike me as the type of person who will learn from this or have any introspection whatsoever.
ITA. She hasn't been punished at all - a fine doesn't matter to somebody that wealthy. And since she's not really royal, negative press coverage doesn't matter that much either since hardly anybody she runs into knows who she is. It's not like she's somehow been taught that drunk driving and being 40 miles over the speed limit are dangerous. She doesn't need to be taught. She already knows that. Everyone knows that. She just doesn't care.
ITA. She hasn't been punished at all - a fine doesn't matter to somebody that wealthy. And since she's not really royal, negative press coverage doesn't matter that much either since hardly anybody she runs into knows who she is. It's not like she's somehow been taught that drunk driving and being 40 miles over the speed limit are dangerous. She doesn't need to be taught. She already knows that. Everyone knows that. She just doesn't care.
I completely agree  She won't care because she's not going to be held accountable for this in any way, shape or form. If this was you or me, we would have spent the night in jail, had to complete many, many hours of community service and counseling, had our licenses revoked for a certain period of time, been slapped with a fine that would be very expensive to us, had our insurance drop us, possibly lose our jobs (or if we were in school-our financial aid and scholarships) and have this black mark on our records forever. But this stupid bitch will just write a check and be on her merry way. It's not fair and she should have to suffer the same consequences as anybody else convicted of the same thing.  I wouldn't be surprised if she goes on to do this or something equally as reckless and stupid again. Why shouldn't she? She's been taught that she can get away with it. There's sadly no justice in the world and this is but another example of it. ....well, just to be a snarky bitch (I can't help myself)-there is justice. She'll never be a successful actress because she's not thin, will never be thin, and all the money in the world can't seem to help her in that department. Oh wait...she always could get cast as the "fat friend".  There's always a need for the "fat friend" in films. Good....I feel better now. 
Miss Waynfleet
Pixiecat  "The fat friend"  This whole "Greek Royal Family" is complete useless. Except Anne Marie, who could have a better match instead of wannabe still King Conny.
Pixiecat  "The fat friend"  This whole "Greek Royal Family" is complete useless. Except Anne Marie, who could have a better match instead of wannabe still King Conny. Thanks MW!  I completely agree with you. AM seems to be the only one in that group who hasn't proved to be useless. Alexia seems like a decent person too, but her hubby seems shady. Pavlos seems like the typical pretty boy without a brain in his head, Nik is gross and showed how pathetic he truly is in that stupid 20/20 interview in 2004, Theo is a reckless drunk driver. I don't know about the youngest. Time will tell, I guess.