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« Reply #75 on: October 13, 2011, 02:27:21 AM »

thx Hibou and  Star

could you tell me what does eventer mean, and what is the level that Charlotte is at please.

I have no knowledge about horse riding, or competing..but would like to learn Blush


G Smiley

ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...

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« Reply #76 on: October 13, 2011, 03:09:17 AM »

thx Hibou and  Star

could you tell me what does eventer mean, and what is the level that Charlotte is at please.

I have no knowledge about horse riding, or competing..but would like to learn Blush


G Smiley

In riding there are three types of events.

dressage- display of horse training
cross country- an endurance test, which tests speed, endurance and jumping abilities of a horse
show or stadium jumping- what we often see, horses in a ring, jumping fences

Charlotte does show jumping. She has competed, but at what level I am not certain.

Some riders perhaps do a few, but eventing means to compete in all three events. This is what Zara does. Her mother competed in the Montral Olympics in eventing.Her father won Gold in Munich and Silver in Seoul as a member of the eventing team.

Eventing takes a great deal of training and skill to master all three.

^Yes, which lead us to Charlotte that apparently hasn't finished. But in her Vogue interview she said she did...I think  Thinking Now i'm not sure.
In other forum i've read that in a spanish magazine it says that Andrea is going to settle now in Monaco to work as diplomatic. And that Pierre has the is the major shareholder of his father company.
It also says Charlotte trying to qualify for London 2012.

Pierre bought out the majority shares of his father's company, and has been working with his uncle, on the construction side. It is why, or so it is said, that he did his business degree.

Andrea is not done his new masters, not until I think spring of this coming year. Then I'd not be surprised if he returned to Monaco, and since his degrees are in international politics, being a diplomat makes sense. He is also at an University in Madrid, so a spanish magazine doesn't seem an odd source.

I doubt that Charlotte would lie in a magazine like Vogue about being done school. Other reports just said it hadn't been confirmed, not that she had not completed it. It would be interesting to see if she made the 2012 Olympics, especially if Zara competes as well.

^Yes, which lead us to Charlotte that apparently hasn't finished. But in her Vogue interview she said she did...I think  Thinking Now i'm not sure.
In other forum i've read that in a spanish magazine it says that Andrea is going to settle now in Monaco to work as diplomatic. And that Pierre has the is the major shareholder of his father company.
It also says Charlotte trying to qualify for London 2012.

Charlotte's riding has improved enormously, but she is not yet at the Olympic level. She has a ways to go in order to truly compete. Since she is representing Monaco, I'm sure she could technically qualify now. If you compare Charlotte's riding experience to that of Zara, it's really no contest even though one is a show jumper and the other is an eventer. JMO

ITA. Though years of experience doesn't neccessarily equate a better rider, I don't think Charlotte is at Zara's level or close. But coming from a small country, with minimal competition to qualify, she may have a chance. I remember a summer Olympics they showed a race, it was a qualifier but it had the slowest racers in it. Only one even completed the race. It was a guy who took 10 to 12 times longer than the race should take, but he came from a country, where the only pool they had access to, was a small hotel pool. And if you could swim, you made the team. I remember this guy getting a standing ovation by many, for just completing it.

I have to disagree with you about riders and experience. The jumper courses at the Olympic level require experience just to get around the course. An inexperienced rider will get into trouble quickly, not to mention the risk of getting seriously hurt.  Charlotte has improved but she is not ready to ride an Olympic course. You can't equate other sports with equestrian sports. No other Olympic sport uses an animal to compete. So finishing a running race can not be compared to Olympic show jumping. I was an equestrian in my youth and still ride for pleasure. My daughter competes in the jumper division a level below Charlotte. It's a tough sport. There's a reason there is always an ambulance stationed near the course. Zara is a true Olympic caliber rider and dedicates all her time to her sport. Also Zara is an eventer and Charlotte is heading in the direction of the Grand Prix show jumping. My daughter has evented and now does show jumping. Totally different skills needed at the Olympic level between these two disciplines.

You didn't disagree with me. I agreed, Charlotte was not ready. All I stated was, that in a country as small as Monaco, there may not be much other competition, for her to qualify. And age, does not neccesarily mean a better rider. It takes time, experience and training, but a 20 year old who has been riding since she was 3, may have as much as someone in their thirties or older.  I didn't compare it to running or any other sport. I said at the very start of my post, THOUGH AGE does not neccessarily mean better, that Charlotte was no where near the level of Zara.

I have been riding as long as I can remember. I stick to dressage, but have trained in jumping, not a lot of cross country where I'm from. So I am fully aware the dedication and work needed. And though I have been riding for almost 2 decades, I'd not be even nearly ready.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 03:17:07 AM by BaronessLee » Logged

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« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2011, 11:20:47 PM »

thx Hibou and  Star

could you tell me what does eventer mean, and what is the level that Charlotte is at please.

I have no knowledge about horse riding, or competing..but would like to learn Blush


G Smiley

Oh Sorry!  Eventers are required to preform in three equestrian areas at horse trials: Dressage which shows the obedience control of the animal; Cross country which shows the conditioning and athleticism of the animal, and stadium jumping (similar to Grand Prix but not as difficult) done on the last day to show the agility and stamina of the horse. I'm simplifying things but you can google Eventing and it will give you a more in depth explanation. Zara Phillips is an eventer. Riders who do this have to be in excellent physical condition themselves, not to mention being risk-takers. If you have a chance to attend a horse trial cross country course one day you will understand how risk-taking it really is! Those fences don't move!  Grand Prix events are all about agility, power and speed in the show ring. The courses tend to require tight turns with varying distances to different types of jumps. They are two very different types of equestrian events. The type of horse you need to be an eventer is much different from that of the Grand Prix horse. You can also google Grand Prix show jumping. Hope this helps! 

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« Reply #78 on: October 13, 2011, 11:23:52 PM »

thx Hibou and  Star

could you tell me what does eventer mean, and what is the level that Charlotte is at please.

I have no knowledge about horse riding, or competing..but would like to learn Blush


G Smiley

In riding there are three types of events.

dressage- display of horse training
cross country- an endurance test, which tests speed, endurance and jumping abilities of a horse
show or stadium jumping- what we often see, horses in a ring, jumping fences

Charlotte does show jumping. She has competed, but at what level I am not certain.

Some riders perhaps do a few, but eventing means to compete in all three events. This is what Zara does. Her mother competed in the Montral Olympics in eventing.Her father won Gold in Munich and Silver in Seoul as a member of the eventing team.

Eventing takes a great deal of training and skill to master all three.

^Yes, which lead us to Charlotte that apparently hasn't finished. But in her Vogue interview she said she did...I think  Thinking Now i'm not sure.
In other forum i've read that in a spanish magazine it says that Andrea is going to settle now in Monaco to work as diplomatic. And that Pierre has the is the major shareholder of his father company.
It also says Charlotte trying to qualify for London 2012.

Pierre bought out the majority shares of his father's company, and has been working with his uncle, on the construction side. It is why, or so it is said, that he did his business degree.

Andrea is not done his new masters, not until I think spring of this coming year. Then I'd not be surprised if he returned to Monaco, and since his degrees are in international politics, being a diplomat makes sense. He is also at an University in Madrid, so a spanish magazine doesn't seem an odd source.

I doubt that Charlotte would lie in a magazine like Vogue about being done school. Other reports just said it hadn't been confirmed, not that she had not completed it. It would be interesting to see if she made the 2012 Olympics, especially if Zara competes as well.

^Yes, which lead us to Charlotte that apparently hasn't finished. But in her Vogue interview she said she did...I think  Thinking Now i'm not sure.
In other forum i've read that in a spanish magazine it says that Andrea is going to settle now in Monaco to work as diplomatic. And that Pierre has the is the major shareholder of his father company.
It also says Charlotte trying to qualify for London 2012.

Charlotte's riding has improved enormously, but she is not yet at the Olympic level. She has a ways to go in order to truly compete. Since she is representing Monaco, I'm sure she could technically qualify now. If you compare Charlotte's riding experience to that of Zara, it's really no contest even though one is a show jumper and the other is an eventer. JMO

ITA. Though years of experience doesn't neccessarily equate a better rider, I don't think Charlotte is at Zara's level or close. But coming from a small country, with minimal competition to qualify, she may have a chance. I remember a summer Olympics they showed a race, it was a qualifier but it had the slowest racers in it. Only one even completed the race. It was a guy who took 10 to 12 times longer than the race should take, but he came from a country, where the only pool they had access to, was a small hotel pool. And if you could swim, you made the team. I remember this guy getting a standing ovation by many, for just completing it.

I have to disagree with you about riders and experience. The jumper courses at the Olympic level require experience just to get around the course. An inexperienced rider will get into trouble quickly, not to mention the risk of getting seriously hurt.  Charlotte has improved but she is not ready to ride an Olympic course. You can't equate other sports with equestrian sports. No other Olympic sport uses an animal to compete. So finishing a running race can not be compared to Olympic show jumping. I was an equestrian in my youth and still ride for pleasure. My daughter competes in the jumper division a level below Charlotte. It's a tough sport. There's a reason there is always an ambulance stationed near the course. Zara is a true Olympic caliber rider and dedicates all her time to her sport. Also Zara is an eventer and Charlotte is heading in the direction of the Grand Prix show jumping. My daughter has evented and now does show jumping. Totally different skills needed at the Olympic level between these two disciplines.

You didn't disagree with me. I agreed, Charlotte was not ready. All I stated was, that in a country as small as Monaco, there may not be much other competition, for her to qualify. And age, does not neccesarily mean a better rider. It takes time, experience and training, but a 20 year old who has been riding since she was 3, may have as much as someone in their thirties or older.  I didn't compare it to running or any other sport. I said at the very start of my post, THOUGH AGE does not neccessarily mean better, that Charlotte was no where near the level of Zara.

I have been riding as long as I can remember. I stick to dressage, but have trained in jumping, not a lot of cross country where I'm from. So I am fully aware the dedication and work needed. And though I have been riding for almost 2 decades, I'd not be even nearly ready.

Delighted to hear you are a rider! Dressage is demanding! I rode mostly Hunters. My daughter's horse has pretty much done it all. Right now he's babysitting me while she's at school!

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« Reply #79 on: October 14, 2011, 02:39:13 AM »

 Star to BL and Hibou

thx both of you

G Smiley

ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...

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« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2011, 05:15:27 PM »

It also says Charlotte trying to qualify for London 2012.

Charlotte is heading in the direction of the Grand Prix show jumping.

What level is Charlotte's riding now? Is she at the Grand Prix level already, she intends to compete in the Olympics next year?  It's only 9 months from the London Olympics, even if she competes non-stop  between now and then (and isn't there a "cut-off period" in order to qualify for the Olympics? and that one gets invited to the Olympics not based on the bigger/lesser pool of athletes a country has but strictly based on qualifications/rankings?), will she earn enough qualifications to compete? I have friends/acquaintances who were/are show jumpers (two have competed at the Olympics and at least one at the FEI World Equestrian Games while some have reached at least the Asian Games level), and from what I have seen/read of Charlotte's riding last year, she is nowhere near to that level of show jumping skills she improving much?

my own impression from the comments is that she is certainly not at Olympics level yet and she was still in CSI amateur level competitions earlier this year.   but why such a pronouncement that she is trying to qualify for it? i mean, riders know what level they are and even so, there's the competition to take into account..... is she being too "optimistic" or was vogue just trying to be a "sugar"?

« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 06:04:13 PM by prinzheinelgirl » Logged

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« Reply #81 on: October 14, 2011, 08:57:41 PM »

It also says Charlotte trying to qualify for London 2012.

Charlotte is heading in the direction of the Grand Prix show jumping.

What level is Charlotte's riding now? Is she at the Grand Prix level already, she intends to compete in the Olympics next year?  It's only 9 months from the London Olympics, even if she competes non-stop  between now and then (and isn't there a "cut-off period" in order to qualify for the Olympics? and that one gets invited to the Olympics not based on the bigger/lesser pool of athletes a country has but strictly based on qualifications/rankings?), will she earn enough qualifications to compete? I have friends/acquaintances who were/are show jumpers (two have competed at the Olympics and at least one at the FEI World Equestrian Games while some have reached at least the Asian Games level), and from what I have seen/read of Charlotte's riding last year, she is nowhere near to that level of show jumping skills she improving much?

my own impression from the comments is that she is certainly not at Olympics level yet and she was still in CSI amateur level competitions earlier this year.   but why such a pronouncement that she is trying to qualify for it? i mean, riders know what level they are and even so, there's the competition to take into account..... is she being too "optimistic" or was vogue just trying to be a "sugar"?

I am not certain if it is all sports, but with many sports the number of athaletes a country is allowed to send to compete in an event, are based on how they performed in the previous times. It works that way for figure skating for instance I know. Countries are able to send athaletes who have perhaps never even performed at the international level. They do have to make it through the qualifier rounds at the Olympics though, to go on, and likely those would not pass them. Think Jamaican bobsledding, and the swimmer I mentioned from south america. I am not sure what the rules about riding are.

Has there been two vogue articles? The one I read I didn't see any mention of her planning on trying to compete in London. Perhaps it is just rumors? She was on a young riders competition circuit in 2010, which was the main part of the article.


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« Reply #82 on: October 15, 2011, 08:50:50 AM »

Has there been two vogue articles? The one I read I didn't see any mention of her planning on trying to compete in London. Perhaps it is just rumors? She was on a young riders competition circuit in 2010, which was the main part of the article.

Thanks for the explanation on how one qualifies. Sorry I got mixed up - that bit on Olympics 2012 was not in Vogue but from a Spanish magazine.

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« Reply #83 on: October 15, 2011, 04:32:32 PM »

It also says Charlotte trying to qualify for London 2012.

Charlotte is heading in the direction of the Grand Prix show jumping.

What level is Charlotte's riding now? Is she at the Grand Prix level already, she intends to compete in the Olympics next year?  It's only 9 months from the London Olympics, even if she competes non-stop  between now and then (and isn't there a "cut-off period" in order to qualify for the Olympics? and that one gets invited to the Olympics not based on the bigger/lesser pool of athletes a country has but strictly based on qualifications/rankings?), will she earn enough qualifications to compete? I have friends/acquaintances who were/are show jumpers (two have competed at the Olympics and at least one at the FEI World Equestrian Games while some have reached at least the Asian Games level), and from what I have seen/read of Charlotte's riding last year, she is nowhere near to that level of show jumping skills she improving much?

my own impression from the comments is that she is certainly not at Olympics level yet and she was still in CSI amateur level competitions earlier this year.   but why such a pronouncement that she is trying to qualify for it? i mean, riders know what level they are and even so, there's the competition to take into account..... is she being too "optimistic" or was vogue just trying to be a "sugar"?

From an interview I saw of Charlotte, she was satisfied to ride with the amateurs and not compare herself to the "pros" who now compose the Olympic teams. She seemed to have her head on straight as to her abilities and was (in a very healthy way) only interesting in improving as a rider. This is as it should be. One day she may or may not make it to the Olympic level. It did not seem to bother her one way or the other. For that she should be applauded. I think because the Kelly family were so into the athletics (I think Albert must have felt compelled to follow in that tradition), the media are making more out of it than perhaps they should. My point was that riding is a process that can't be rushed. You can't move to the higher level without experience and skill, and of course a fabulous horse (which she can afford). Even Athena Onassis has not made the team yet and she rides full time. It's kind of like ice-skating in the sense that they make it look easy most of the time when if fact it's extremely difficult. Unlike other team sports where an athlete can be surrounded by incredible talent, equestrian sports depend on the individual and the horse to accomplish the goals set forth in a course. No other sport does that. 
Miss Waynfleet

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« Reply #84 on: October 17, 2011, 05:40:12 PM »


I love Caroline, but these ones are too funny, she has I think humour.
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« Reply #85 on: October 17, 2011, 05:47:32 PM »

Francesco Vezzoli


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« Reply #86 on: October 17, 2011, 05:50:43 PM »

Good Lord...did Caroline POSE for that last photo( the one staring into the distance on the ship)?? She looks stunning, but ICAM that these pix are hilarious!  Laughing

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« Reply #87 on: October 17, 2011, 05:53:52 PM »

She looks like a real Queen! She should be the Regent. I wish she was the regent!
Beautiful as ever.
Thanks for the pics!
Miss Waynfleet

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« Reply #88 on: October 17, 2011, 05:56:52 PM »

Greta Garbo as Swedens Queen Christina. I think it was not without coincidence 
But she looks beautiful.

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« Reply #89 on: October 17, 2011, 11:00:38 PM »

Francesco Vezzoli


Absolutely stunning
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