I am sure that there will be some sycophants who will want to call Pavlos king but he will not be that. Greece hates them. But there may be one of those things going on that is like what the Germans do. They are technically all commoners and no one has a legal title but then there are those house rule things that are socially acceptable if not legally so. I am thinking of those cousins of Fred of Denmark who are princes and princesses but not legally. You are right that he was born crown prince so he can keep that but that son of his won't be crown prince you can better believe it. I want to know if he will get good grades at Georgetown or if we should start the countdown clock to him dropping out.
Which son that? The one who gives off the incredibly arrogant, slightly creepy vibe? Or the one who had a role in some daytime soap? Isn't Talita (Alex Miller's daughter) also at Georgetown? How do these colleges work? Don't you have to be moderately intelligent to get in? or is it enough to be able to afford the fees? In Australia unless you are a foreign student you have to achieve the entry requirements. And Georgetown is a quality university isn't it? Georgetown is a very prestigious school and hard to get into. Maybe Talita is way smarter than her cousin MO.
Georgetown is an excellent university but none of the top private schools are above giving out legacy slots especially for people who can pay the bill in full like Miller money can.
I am sure that there will be some sycophants who will want to call Pavlos king but he will not be that. Greece hates them. But there may be one of those things going on that is like what the Germans do. They are technically all commoners and no one has a legal title but then there are those house rule things that are socially acceptable if not legally so. I am thinking of those cousins of Fred of Denmark who are princes and princesses but not legally. You are right that he was born crown prince so he can keep that but that son of his won't be crown prince you can better believe it. I want to know if he will get good grades at Georgetown or if we should start the countdown clock to him dropping out.
Which son that? The one who gives off the incredibly arrogant, slightly creepy vibe? Or the one who had a role in some daytime soap? Isn't Talita (Alex Miller's daughter) also at Georgetown? How do these colleges work? Don't you have to be moderately intelligent to get in? or is it enough to be able to afford the fees? In Australia unless you are a foreign student you have to achieve the entry requirements. And Georgetown is a quality university isn't it? It certainly is. I think Pavlos graduated from Georgetown, and a lot of these places have legacy admissions. Almost every University/College in the US has legacy admissions but most limit the number of legacies they take. None the less all the legacies must meet the entrance requirements. Georgetown is considered tough to get into. You have to have excellent grades and SAT scores- not to mention how well you write the entrance essay. In addition to all this, schools look at your extra-curriculum activities like sports, theater and volunteer work. If they accept a high profile candidate and the student flunks out, it doesn't look good for the school. Most professors don't care how much money your parents have etc. The classroom is their kingdom.
Almost every University/College in the US has legacy admissions but most limit the number of legacies they take. None the less all the legacies must meet the entrance requirements. Georgetown is considered tough to get into. You have to have excellent grades and SAT scores- not to mention how well you write the entrance essay. In addition to all this, schools look at your extra-curriculum activities like sports, theater and volunteer work. If they accept a high profile candidate and the student flunks out, it doesn't look good for the school. Most professors don't care how much money your parents have etc. The classroom is their kingdom.
Agree. You still have to meet entry requirements, and to stay there, you've got to get your grades.
Please google The Price of Admission by Daniel Golden, and his subsequent articles. The scales will fall from your eyes on the idea of merit admission to top universities, and the impact of legacy and money.
Royalty not ‘excepted’ from this pay to play phenomenon... but somehow they are ‘Accepted’.
"Some of it's magic, and some of it's tragic: but I had a good life, all the way." - Jimmy Buffet, America's premiere poet
anastasia beaverhausen
Please google The Price of Admission by Daniel Golden, and his subsequent articles. The scales will fall from your eyes on the idea of merit admission to top universities, and the impact of legacy and money.
Royalty not ‘excepted’ from this pay to play phenomenon... but somehow they are ‘Accepted’.
Thanks Curtains. I thought that might be true but I didn’t have any facts to support that supposition.
Baby Member
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 United Kingdom
Posts: 27
Does anyone know if MC actually designs clothes for her childrenswear company?
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Official TeaSpoon of Royal Dish. Aka TrollSpoon.
MC's only talents are landing a titled husband and trash talking.
 You can call me TrollSpoon.
A Citizen not a Subject
I am sure that there will be some sycophants who will want to call Pavlos king but he will not be that. Greece hates them. But there may be one of those things going on that is like what the Germans do. They are technically all commoners and no one has a legal title but then there are those house rule things that are socially acceptable if not legally so. I am thinking of those cousins of Fred of Denmark who are princes and princesses but not legally. You are right that he was born crown prince so he can keep that but that son of his won't be crown prince you can better believe it. I want to know if he will get good grades at Georgetown or if we should start the countdown clock to him dropping out.
I imagine they'll do what the likes of the Savoys have done, and pass the "prince" title down the male line. Emmanuel Filiberto claims to be the heir to the non-existent throne of Italy. They are each an irrelevance in "their" respective countries and will only become more so with each generation.
I live in hope that one day I will be able to elect my Head of State.
Baby Member
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 United Kingdom
Posts: 27
Does anyone know anything "The Frog Prince", a children's book supposedly written and illustrated by MC?
Does anyone know anything "The Frog Prince", a children's book supposedly written and illustrated by MC?
did she plagarize the book of the Grimm's fairy tale of The Frog-King. Haven't seen anything on the net. "She had also written and illustrated "The Frog Prince", the first in a planned series of fairy-tales." Maybe it's an homage to Fred & Yrma  There is already a book out there > The Frog Prince by Stephen Andrade 
Whoa, MC did that? I didn't know she could illustrate. It's not as lovely as Carina's Nigel book, but it's not bad.
Whoa, MC did that? I didn't know she could illustrate. It's not as lovely as Carina's Nigel book, but it's not bad.
I think she didn’t, that was by Stephen Andrade like Artemisia said. Her next book will be “The princess fish” based on her daughter life 
Most Exalted Member
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Posts: 21629
Is the above picture one of MC's works? It looks quite good, but IMO nothing out of the ordinary, this kind of painting has been done since ages and I wouldn't buy another one of those. On the other hand I find it hilarious, that the princess apparently isn't able to close her "rosebud" mouth either. 
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Reputation: 2423
Posts: 44798
I am the Queen
Whoa, MC did that? I didn't know she could illustrate. It's not as lovely as Carina's Nigel book, but it's not bad.
I think she didn’t, that was by Stephen Andrade like Artemisia said. Her next book will be “The princess fish” based on her daughter life  