Baby Member
Reputation: 20
 United States
Posts: 75
Another "constructive" day in the life of the useless idle born rich. When I compare her to students who work two jobs and still come to school and excel, she looks like the epitome of worthlessness. Pathetic.
All are supported all of their youth! Only fun, beautiful, elite events for these girls. Then they marry the super rich which means an entire lifetime of luxury! It must be nice!
How lovely to see Charlotte out enjoying herself....it's so rare that she gets to do that.  Seriously, this young lady rides, attends cocktail party after cocktail party, goes on holiday to Ibiza or Brazil with her reptilian looking boyfriend, and attends fashion shows where she always, ALWAYS has a front seat. One day I am going to see this young lady engaged in something important that will benefit others much less fortunate than she is, and I will drop dead of shock. But she is young, 25-26 years old. There is still time. As for Tatiana, why is she always so damn GLUM? With that slash of harsh red lisptick it just make her look kind of creepy.
Baby Member
Reputation: 14
Posts: 82
Maybe she isn't very good at doing anything useful? She rides but isn't that good, her horses are/were good (not her). I'm not sure if she finished a university degree? Last I heard, she didn't do good enough in her exams to enter ENS?
I've seen Tatiana in person 4-5 years ago, very close enough, and she looks the same as her pictures. Not so pretty but she didn't come off as snobby or bitchy.
Welcome to Royal Dish KittyHeaven and prinzheinelgirl, I hope you enjoy dishing on the royals with us! 
Truthfully I am kind of torn on Charlotte and people like her...she is a private citizen. She is not being supported by the taxpayer. She has no obligations to anyone but herself. I don't think I could or would want to live my life the way she and her friends do, but it's their lives and they are not hurting anyone. Thanks Clover, for the welcome. I hope to have fun here! 
To be honest, if I was loaded, and didn't have to work, I wouldn't , So as a private person , with her own means , if she is enjoying her life and leaving a job option opened for some one who needs it, fair play 
I don't necessarily think she should get a paying job...she doesn't need it.
But this world is so huge and so much of a mess and she is so gifted...our time here on Earth is so brief...why not try to make a difference AND enjoy your youth and the good things God has blessed you with?
Like I said, in a similar position I wouldn't necessarily work, but an endless round of cocktail parties, vacations and fashion shows would not make me happy.
But then again, I was raised in a different world than Charlotte with completely different values drilled into me...Charlotte is living her life in the milieu and with the values that SHE was raised with.
I don't want to sound like I am judging her, or anyone else for that matter.
Baby Member
Reputation: 7
Posts: 54
Doesn't she do some journalistic work? I thought she was a cowriter of a magazine or a blog on green fashion.
All are supported all of their youth! Only fun, beautiful, elite events for these girls. Then they marry the super rich which means an entire lifetime of luxury! It must be nice!
Nice "work" if you can get it. Now, how do I crash into this social circle? 
I don't necessarily think she should get a paying job...she doesn't need it.
But this world is so huge and so much of a mess and she is so gifted...our time here on Earth is so brief...why not try to make a difference AND enjoy your youth and the good things God has blessed you with?
Like I said, in a similar position I wouldn't necessarily work, but an endless round of cocktail parties, vacations and fashion shows would not make me happy.
But then again, I was raised in a different world than Charlotte with completely different values drilled into me...Charlotte is living her life in the milieu and with the values that SHE was raised with.
I don't want to sound like I am judging her, or anyone else for that matter.
There is plenty of volunteer work to go around. An empty life of endless partying and material pursuits is a wasted life, IMO. Not to judge them for it, but just to remark that idle pursues are not what we were given this life to live for  and it's a shame that so many people can find that type of life interesting.
All are supported all of their youth! Only fun, beautiful, elite events for these girls. Then they marry the super rich which means an entire lifetime of luxury! It must be nice!
Nice "work" if you can get it. Now, how do I crash into this social circle?  Slip Inn  or St Andrews 