What an empty life, ya know? To wear something that people will chatter about, to only worry about the superficial stuff? Glad I'm me and not her.
that's why for me she is empty. she talks about philosophy and literature when to my mind there are lots of other issues that she could be concerned about as well as these issues. I understand that there is no poverty in Monaco, but by jees she could be engaged in other issues.

Well, opinions differ. Charlotte is not even a princess, no title, no obligations. The boss is Prince Rainier and his wife Charlene, who as we know is not really healthy. Caroline is still doing a little here and there to represent the country.
Charlotte could completely diminish into the background, but she is educated, she is interested in philosophy and literature . What is wrong with that? That is what she likes. I rather listen to her book recommendations which I have found out are quite good, than listen to Maria Olympia of Greece recommendations about make-up, hair does, posing etc.
She can do what she wants, no official obligations for Greece, but still clinging to the title "daughter of the Crown Princess".
That title clinging is something that the Monaco people don't do. Sure, they are rich and use their connections , but still are keeping a certain level of privacy.