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Author Topic: Andrea Casiraghi News & Photos  (Read 369036 times)
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« Reply #690 on: March 27, 2017, 03:01:05 PM »

Actually, I think he looks better than he has for a long time.  He has that long and lanky frame which makes him look gaunt.  His father had that same build so it might be hereditary. 

I think both Andrea and Charlotte should just tuck into a nice, big "panino and prochetta"

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« Reply #691 on: March 27, 2017, 05:26:49 PM »

Actually, I think he looks better than he has for a long time.  He has that long and lanky frame which makes him look gaunt.  His father had that same build so it might be hereditary.  

I think both Andrea and Charlotte should just tuck into a nice, big "panino and prochetta"

Imo he just looks very good, he's like the best looking royal (is he royal?), and also basically has a pleasant charisma. I must point out that I haven't followed any royal family, so I don't know much about any of them.
But I knew some guys like that in school and later, and they were just pale, blond, thin and tall. There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with them.
There was also a Swedish actor of "that type"...can't remember his name now.
Sorry for the rambling.  Smiley

« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 05:42:11 PM by Ginger » Logged

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« Reply #692 on: March 27, 2017, 05:45:44 PM »

Andrea Albert Pierre Casiraghi was born on 8 June 1984 at the Princess Grace Hospital Centre in La Colle, Monaco, to Princess Caroline of Monaco and her then husband, the Italian businessman and athlete Stefano Casiraghi. The eldest grandchild of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, and his wife, former American actress Grace Kelly, Andrea was named after his father's childhood friend, his maternal uncle Prince Albert and his maternal great-grandfather Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois.
On 3 October 1990, Casiraghi's father was killed in a speedboat accident near Monaco

Despite his parents' not having married in the Church as required for legitimacy under church law, they were legitimised by Pope John Paul II in February 1993, eight months after his mother's marriage to Junot was annulled in June 1992

In Europe, including Monaco, the royal titles are in general only transmitted through the male line (and Stefano Casiraghi was a commoner). Should Princess Caroline become the reigning Princess of Monaco her three eldest children should instantly acquire titles.  Also, if I remind it correct, Caroline also requested no royal titles to be granted to her (oldest) children. Her youngest daughter, Alexandra, inherited her title from her father prince Ernst-August of Hannover (she has no Monagask title).

Caroline was the heir presumptive from her birth (23 January 1957) to 14 March 1958, when her brother Prince Albert was born.
There is precedent for a Mon?gasque prince to adopt his own illegitimate child and thereby place that child at the head of the line of succession to the Monegasque throne, as was done for Caroline's grandmother, Princess Charlotte, Duchess of Valentinois. However, because of changes to the constitution of Monaco in 2002, this was no longer an option. Albert's lack of legitimate children until the 2010s prompted Prince Rainier III to change the constitution so as to ensure there would be a successor to the throne, which strengthened the places of Caroline and her descendants in the line of succession. On 2 April 2002, Monaco passed Princely Law 1.249, which provides that if the Sovereign Prince assumes the throne and then dies without a legitimate direct heir, the throne will pass to his dynastic siblings and their descendants according to the rule of male-preference cognatic primogeniture. The law was then ratified by France, as required by a 1918 Franco-Mon?gasque Treaty, on 4 October 2005. Before this change, the crown of Monaco could pass only to a descendant of the last reigning prince, excluding such collateral relations as siblings, nephews, and nieces.

Andrea, his sister Charlotte and their brother Pierre, have no royal title but are in the line of succession to the Monagask throne.

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« Reply #693 on: March 28, 2017, 11:39:54 AM »

Andrea Albert Pierre Casiraghi was born on 8 June 1984 at the Princess Grace Hospital Centre in La Colle, Monaco, to Princess Caroline of Monaco and her then husband, the Italian businessman and athlete Stefano Casiraghi. The eldest grandchild of Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, and his wife, former American actress Grace Kelly, Andrea was named after his father's childhood friend, his maternal uncle Prince Albert and his maternal great-grandfather Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois.
On 3 October 1990, Casiraghi's father was killed in a speedboat accident near Monaco

Despite his parents' not having married in the Church as required for legitimacy under church law, they were legitimised by Pope John Paul II in February 1993, eight months after his mother's marriage to Junot was annulled in June 1992

In Europe, including Monaco, the royal titles are in general only transmitted through the male line (and Stefano Casiraghi was a commoner). Should Princess Caroline become the reigning Princess of Monaco her three eldest children should instantly acquire titles.  Also, if I remind it correct, Caroline also requested no royal titles to be granted to her (oldest) children. Her youngest daughter, Alexandra, inherited her title from her father prince Ernst-August of Hannover (she has no Monagask title).

Caroline was the heir presumptive from her birth (23 January 1957) to 14 March 1958, when her brother Prince Albert was born.
There is precedent for a Mon?gasque prince to adopt his own illegitimate child and thereby place that child at the head of the line of succession to the Monegasque throne, as was done for Caroline's grandmother, Princess Charlotte, Duchess of Valentinois. However, because of changes to the constitution of Monaco in 2002, this was no longer an option. Albert's lack of legitimate children until the 2010s prompted Prince Rainier III to change the constitution so as to ensure there would be a successor to the throne, which strengthened the places of Caroline and her descendants in the line of succession. On 2 April 2002, Monaco passed Princely Law 1.249, which provides that if the Sovereign Prince assumes the throne and then dies without a legitimate direct heir, the throne will pass to his dynastic siblings and their descendants according to the rule of male-preference cognatic primogeniture. The law was then ratified by France, as required by a 1918 Franco-Mon?gasque Treaty, on 4 October 2005. Before this change, the crown of Monaco could pass only to a descendant of the last reigning prince, excluding such collateral relations as siblings, nephews, and nieces.

Andrea, his sister Charlotte and their brother Pierre, have no royal title but are in the line of succession to the Monagask throne.

Thank you.  I don't know why but lines of succession make me depressed  (boy "better" than girl; older "better" than younger) but now I know.  Smiley
This is obviously pure speculation.
Andrea and Sacha would maybe/probably have made good "rulers", and possibly Caroline too,  but looking at Jacques and Gabriella the future just seems very promising (for monarchists). Smiley
Like always in monarchy that's sheer coincidence and luck.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 11:45:20 AM by Ginger » Logged
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« Reply #694 on: April 03, 2017, 01:30:57 PM »


Little India looking effortlessly chic🐣🐣🐣

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« Reply #695 on: April 09, 2017, 05:47:08 PM »

I've grown to like Andrea. I think he gives out an aloof and maybe arrogant vibe to a lot of people because he rarely smiles in comparison to his brother Pierre, who seems to be a sweet guy, but he has totally exceeded my expectations. He's been with the same girl since he was 20, has two kids with her and seems like a great husband and dad.

Also, I think it's so sad that neither grandfather, Andrea and Tatiana's fathers, lived long enough to see their adorable grandkids.

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« Reply #696 on: April 10, 2017, 01:53:54 PM »

I've grown to like Andrea. I think he gives out an aloof and maybe arrogant vibe to a lot of people because he rarely smiles in comparison to his brother Pierre, who seems to be a sweet guy, but he has totally exceeded my expectations. He's been with the same girl since he was 20, has two kids with her and seems like a great husband and dad.

Also, I think it's so sad that neither grandfather, Andrea and Tatiana's fathers, lived long enough to see their adorable grandkids.

I agree.  I see Andrea being a private person and I have never believed that he (or Caroline, for that matter) wanted to inherit the Monagasque throne. He just seems to want to live the simple life (in the context of the super rich, I'm not sure what that means  Thinking Tongue)

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« Reply #697 on: April 11, 2017, 12:15:07 AM »

I've grown to like Andrea. I think he gives out an aloof and maybe arrogant vibe to a lot of people because he rarely smiles in comparison to his brother Pierre, who seems to be a sweet guy, but he has totally exceeded my expectations. He's been with the same girl since he was 20, has two kids with her and seems like a great husband and dad.

Also, I think it's so sad that neither grandfather, Andrea and Tatiana's fathers, lived long enough to see their adorable grandkids.

I agree.  I see Andrea being a private person and I have never believed that he (or Caroline, for that matter) wanted to inherit the Monagasque throne. He just seems to want to live the simple life (in the context of the super rich, I'm not sure what that means  Thinking Tongue)

I guess it is a simple life, actually staying in London, and not continuing travelling and partying despite having children. They are very well-off, live a comfortable life, but I doubt that I could tell they were super rich and famous if I saw them on the street and didn't know who they are. They don't seem to have bodyguards, and they were out and about with the children and without a nanny in some recent pictures. I have no idea what either of them does for a 'living' or if they have any hobbies they are into, like Charlotte and horseriding or Pierre and racing, and I still like them and seem like nice people you could hang around.

Regarding your comment about inheriting the Monegasque throne, I think Caroline might have been into it, and she will probably still be the regent if anything happens to Albert, but I am not sure Andrea was into the idea even when he was second-in-line. I think that even after hitting 40, there was always an expectation and Albert would eventually get married and have children at some point, so perhaps the possibility that Andrea could one day become the Prince of Monaco was never seriously considered until a few years ago when Albert and Charlene had difficulties producing heirs.
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« Reply #698 on: July 17, 2017, 01:11:55 PM »;topicseen#msg80194

Tatiana at Wimbledon and many other royals and semi royals too!enjoy 🎈🎈🎈🍟

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« Reply #699 on: July 17, 2017, 05:59:04 PM »

Now Andrea is 4th in the line of sucession after her mother who is third to the line of sucession ,
There are two heirs, legitime children of Prince Albert , Jacques is the hereditary prince and Princess gabriella is second in the line of sucession, after the births of Jacques and gabriella , there were a lot of change 

For the question of the regence if something happens to Albert during the minority of Jacques, it will be Charlene, mother of the prince Jacques  who will be the regent after the ordonnance of the constitution

After the birth of Jacques and Gabriella  the palace published this ordonnance   writting again the laws of the ' sovereign house' ' la maison souveraine'

1st article is about the regence  if it happens something to Albert and if the hereditary prince is minor  It will be the wife of the sovereign,   mother of the new sovereign prince

Here is the ordonnance, Caroline will be only the aunt of the prince nothing else.

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« Reply #700 on: October 29, 2017, 04:25:08 PM »

Tatiana and the 👫

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« Reply #701 on: October 29, 2017, 04:43:31 PM »

we already see them in juni
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« Reply #702 on: November 02, 2017, 04:38:19 PM »


Che carini!!!!🎀🎀
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« Reply #703 on: November 02, 2017, 06:36:52 PM »

She does't even smile when she's with her kids.

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« Reply #704 on: November 04, 2017, 01:24:47 AM »

The kids are gorgeous and an interesting mix of the two. I wish them happinness  Champagne

Is that their house? If so, they have a great taste in interior design, it looks really comfy and "Tatiana's style"
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