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Author Topic: Andrea Casiraghi News & Photos  (Read 368913 times)
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« Reply #705 on: November 07, 2017, 01:16:59 PM »

Nice children as other children are nice

It is funny to see the battle of photos between Caroline and her family and the palace of Monaco with the princely twins who are the heirs

In juni we saw the photos of India and Sasha just at the moment where Jacques and gabriella were in photos because they were attending the saint Feast at the palace
now we have other photos published by   the casiraghi just before the national fest where the twins will be under the eye of the medias, there will be also before the official fest of the birthday of Jacques and Gabriella  and the official photo of christmas and so.

Caroline used to be seen the first person with her family in  Monaco  in the medias  and she wants that it goes on.
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« Reply #706 on: November 07, 2017, 01:30:34 PM »

I think Caroline definitely struggles with being a has-been. She was SO close and then enter Charlene and the twins. I think it was the twins’ baptism where she wore a giant hat and placed herself front and centre. It was rather embarrassing.

I’m sure she loves her brother dearly but I also feel like she probably feels that SHE should have been the ruler.


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« Reply #707 on: November 07, 2017, 06:42:57 PM »

Albert was during a so long timea single man that everybody thought that Caroline would be the future sovereign princess and Andrea would be the  future prince of Monaco. Caroline  knew that Albert would be the  future  prince sovereign and he would marry and he would have  heirs when she was young but the years passed and Albert did not married, he arrived at the age of 50 and no wedding and no heirs also Caroline thought she would be the next ruler of  the principautyor her son Andrea would be the future sovereign prince. After the death of P Rainier, nobody  thought Albert would  marry and all the medias believed that Caroline and the Casiraghi would be the future of Monaco and they were the stars in the newspapers

Suddenly, Charlene arrived  and after three years of wedding, the heirs are here, Caroline is no more in the middle of the medias , her children belong more to the world of the jetset and people than to the world of the royalty, she is divorced,  she is still president of associations of Monaco but she will not be  the future ruler of Monaco nor Andrea even if it happens  something to Albert, Charlene would be regent if Jacques would be minor

Jacques and Gabriella will grow up and will take more place in the principauty of Monaco, Caroline knows it and I understand that she is desapointed, it is human, she had dreams for her children and now, it is all gone away.
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« Reply #708 on: November 07, 2017, 10:13:38 PM »

A bit of projecting going on IMO - we're hardly talking about a bitter, twisted frustrated old lady. I think Caroline is perfectly happy with her life the way it is - and I've never thought that she had ambitions or dreams to rule Monaco or for her children to rule. She certainly didn't bring them up or educate them as if she thought that was their future. And none of them has shown any interest in such a life, least of all Andrea. Charlčne's arrival was hardly sudden and she was around for long enough before she had any official role.

Does she like attention and having a public role to play? Undoubtedly - but now she gets the best of both worlds - she cherry picks her appearances and commitments to suit her interests which are different from Charlčne's and gets on with enjoying her social life and family life in private.

I also disagree that she and her family push the children forward when something has happened with the twins. Her grandchildren lead very private lives all things considered, as they should. But it's interesting that that is the perception - I've noticed that when Caroline or Stephanie do something high profile for one of their charities Charlčne's Instagram page suddenly publishes photos of events that happened a while ago, within 24 hours.

I would say our viewpoints are coloured by our preferences for particular people - I admire and respect Caroline in spite of her faults, I often find Charlene wanting... It's human nature to see what suits us, I suppose...
« Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 10:20:18 PM by Lady Hermione » Logged

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« Reply #709 on: November 08, 2017, 08:24:30 AM »

We are agree not to be agree on this forum

Caroline is perhaps happy to have grandchildren but she had  big dreams for her children, specially Anfrea and she  does not understand that there is a princess consort and new heirs ,we cannot forget that she pushed the godmother of Gabriella to take her place and to be near Albert on the photo of the christening of Jacques and Gabriella, she is so used to be under the eyes of the medias and she will do all what she can to expose her children and grandchildren , they are the children of the princess of Hanover


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« Reply #710 on: November 08, 2017, 06:28:08 PM »

We are agree not to be agree on this forum

Caroline is perhaps happy to have grandchildren but she had  big dreams for her children, specially Anfrea and she  does not understand that there is a princess consort and new heirs ,we cannot forget that she pushed the godmother of Gabriella to take her place and to be near Albert on the photo of the christening of Jacques and Gabriella, she is so used to be under the eyes of the medias and she will do all what she can to expose her children and grandchildren , they are the children of the princess of Hanover

Well if she wanted to have her children and grandchildren into the limelight and so on,.....why not arrange a title for her eldest 3 children and their offspring. As the youngest, Alexandra, already have a title through her father prince Ernst August of Hanover (even as the title and all is not recognized as such in Germany, but as a surname)
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« Reply #711 on: November 08, 2017, 09:56:33 PM »

We are agree not to be agree on this forum

Caroline is perhaps happy to have grandchildren but she had  big dreams for her children, specially Anfrea and she  does not understand that there is a princess consort and new heirs ,we cannot forget that she pushed the godmother of Gabriella to take her place and to be near Albert on the photo of the christening of Jacques and Gabriella, she is so used to be under the eyes of the medias and she will do all what she can to expose her children and grandchildren , they are the children of the princess of Hanover

We certainly don't agree and that's fine.

Where's the proof she had the kind of big dreams you suggest for her children? She has never said anything of the sort, neither has anyone credible been quoted as saying that about her - and there are definitely people around prepared to say plenty about her (some of it justified).

The education for Andrea showed absolutely no ambition for him to succeed, he showed even less for the position for himself and he and his family are pretty invisible most of the time. He's hardly lived in Monaco at all, he wasn't educated there for most of the time, no time in any military services, unpublicised internships... He and Tatiana lead an almost anonymous existence in London. Frankly, he has the best of everything - loads of money, no official position or responsibilities to be burdened with.

She certainly took centre stage at the christening (Albert certainly glared big time) but there was no pushing involved. At the dog show in the afternoon there was no animosity so they obviously got over the moment.

For someone who loves the media so much, Caroline leads a relatively quiet existence - I'd expect to see her far more than I do if she wanted the exposure. I think her supposed need. for  the limelight is much exaggerated. Where are all these photos that are released?

As to not understanding there is a princess consort maybe that's because the Princess consort does bugger all most of the time other than offering her face up for increasingly grotesque treatments - she's probably asking herself where she is.  I'm sorry - Caroline's faults are many but she isn't stupid, she totally understands the position.
Before the wedding she went out of her way to be welcoming and include Charlene in events.
Tulip of Nonsense

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« Reply #712 on: November 12, 2017, 11:38:20 AM »

Lady Hermione,  Thumb up  Star  Cool  facts, balance, style, good taste - to cut a long story short...

"I was given a degree by a college of unbeautiful nonsense... And I have kissed a prince in a land where men grind their wheat in the sky..."
Melville Davisson Post
Lady Hermione

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« Reply #713 on: November 12, 2017, 01:23:59 PM »

Lady Hermione,  Thumb up  Star  Cool  facts, balance, style, good taste - to cut a long story short...

Thank you. Smiley

I do like a few facts to back up assertions.


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« Reply #714 on: November 17, 2017, 04:28:05 PM »

Andrea and Tatiana are expecting their third child


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« Reply #715 on: December 04, 2017, 04:12:27 PM »

From muzungusisters Instagram : Tatiana in London on December 1st. Well, definitely expecting baby number three!

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« Reply #716 on: December 04, 2017, 07:47:54 PM »

all the Casiraghi's and their wives look so unkempt, and yes, dirty to me. Would like to put them in a washing machine on "throrough cleaning" cycle.

don't know what it is with them...even BB


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« Reply #717 on: March 30, 2018, 09:36:57 AM »

Anyone knows if there's a baby yet?
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« Reply #718 on: April 04, 2018, 07:37:00 PM »

April 4
Caroline ,Tatiana and Andrea were seen out in London



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« Reply #719 on: April 04, 2018, 11:50:09 PM »

Wow, Tatiana looks like she is about to P-O-P! I would imagine her baby's birth is not too far off... Exciting times for the Casiraghis! Andrea looks, well, like his usual self. There's always seemed to be an air of sadness/despondency about him. I recall reading somewhere that he suffered from a lot of emotional problems after the death of his father. That would make sense, and perhaps he turned to drug abuse in his teen/adult years to deal with this? Who knows. However, he has looked better in the last few years than he has in a long time. Now if they all would just stop with the cigarettes.

Nice to see Caroline interacting with her DIL. They seem to have a warm relationship. Saw some more photos from this set on another site, and they looked like they were having quite a nice time together.

Despite all of the relational drama in the Grimaldi family, Caroline's married children both seem to have very stable relationships with their respective spouses. AFAIK, Andrea and Tatiana have been together for 14ish years, while Pierre and Beatrice have been with each other around 10. As far as appearances go, I think they all just favor that bohemian, unkempt look. Tati and Andrea more so than Pierre and Beatrice.
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