I thought her appearance in Birmingham after the riots was awful. She was there to meet 2 muslim familes grieving after the deaths of their sons during the holy month of Ramadan and she turns up in a flashy expensive outfit (also new), with slits in her skirt (worn without tights). grinning.
On a slightly different note considering that some have suggested inequality/deprivation as a factor in the riots showing up in a brand new outfit that cost £800, when she has others far more suitable, was way too much. Add to that the hair and make-up and it was just awful IMO.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 11:13:46 AM by Little_star »
Waity's behavior doesn't come as a surprise to me, though. Actually I think Waity has been too shielded from the real society by her parents and that's exactly why she has no idea about the hardships and pain that others sometimes experience. Of course, getting hounded by the press and publicly dumped by the world's most famous prince is in a way exceedingly painful and humiliating, but obviously that hasn't helped build her maturity. Very perceptive of you and I think you're probably right. Kate may be a commoner but her "world" prior to marrying William was very small. She grew up in a small village, attended good schools as a child and then went on to one of the top schools in the country. Unlike many her university years, which typically here are when people are exposed to different aspects of life, were in a very small place like St Andrews. Even there she didn't really live the life of a "normal" student because she met William, lived with him and the rest as they say is history. Yes, her family were based in Amman for a few years but considering she was 6 when they left I would question just how much of an impact that had on her. Knowing how many expats live in the ME I think it's safe to say that she probably wasn't exposed to the harsh realities of life in a developing country.
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LS, i agree that she isn't in any way deprived, with £800 outfit, it's just (from what i see) that her lifestyle isn't comparable to diana's either.
as for empathy and/or sensitivity, it's either you have it or you don't. and she doesn't show much of either with her antics.
IMHO, i don't think she grew up so insulated from the real world.....their family isn't very rich after all to merit such a detached existence. my guess is that their values are just so "different".
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 10:20:56 AM by prinzheinelgirl »
I don't know if it is Kate's gaffes or the "grey men" but I think the endless conflicting updates about her role: she is settling in/ not working/ working/ choosing her charities/ being a housewife are a PR disaster of the first order.
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It doesn't matter whether her family was/is rich or not; it's the responsibilities she's never experienced because of the lifestyle they have been able and willing to afford her. Her parents are not poor or working class, either. They had the means to support her luxurious lifestyle for years on end. I don't know of any parents who could afford to indulge a child so much.
She was insulated because she never worked a real day in her life. There is no evidence that she has ever held down a full-time job and I don't believe she worked a part-time one either. Her parents supported her for her entire life, she never understood paying bills, having a budget, renting with some awful flatmate etc. That is the definition of being 'insulated from the real world'.
Heck, she went from sleeping in her childhood bedroom at nearly 30 to marrying into royalty! That says it all.
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Official TeaSpoon of Royal Dish. Aka TrollSpoon.
It doesn't matter whether her family was/is rich or not; it's the responsibilities she's never experienced because of the lifestyle they have been able and willing to afford her. Her parents are not poor or working class, either. They had the means to support her luxurious lifestyle for years on end. I don't know of any parents who could afford to indulge a child so much.
She was insulated because she never worked a real day in her life. There is no evidence that she has ever held down a full-time job and I don't believe she worked a part-time one either. Her parents supported her for her entire life, she never understood paying bills, having a budget, renting with some awful flatmate etc. That is the definition of being 'insulated from the real world'.
Heck, she went from sleeping in her childhood bedroom at nearly 30 to marrying into royalty! That says it all.
You raise some really interesting points. I grew up so much in my twenties. Moved out of home. Moved to another state. Had some shocking relationships. And one good one that led to a wedding.  Worked really hard. Had conflicts with colleagues but worked through them. It's a maelstrom of life lessons. Waity has spent her twenties at university and following Will around like a puppy. At some point, you have to wonder if there is some sort of arrested development: her world has been so small that she is naive to the point of being socially inept. Perhaps.
 You can call me TrollSpoon.
I think a lot of it is on her. It doesn't take much effort to look up what's happening in Africa and think of a few words ahead of time, yet she was completely unprepared and what she said made no logical sense whatsoever. It is in fact habit (for the British royals at least) to keep informed of what the cause is and who's running it, and in numerous documentaries you can see them studying the information both planning and on the way to the event.
It doesn't take much to figure out that it's inappropriate to wear a prom dress to a charity dinner, and that a (admittedly nice) red coat is not the best color to wear to what is supposed to be a serious occasion. Same with wearing Alexander McQueen to meet victims of the riots, who have lost everything.
She smiled at New Zealand House and fidgeting during the Welsh national anthem pre-marriage were also not appropriate.
As Antithesis and others have mentioned, she has no experience in the real world, and she either has to grow up quickly or she's going to end up a laughing stock like the Duchess of York did long before the toe-sucking pictures came out.
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@ freethespoon: Thank you.  I enjoy every single post of yours - they are quite brilliantly articulated.  I always maintained that Waity suffered from 'arrested development' (thanks for naming it). And, IMO that is probably why she became obsessed with William: her whole life was wrapped up in the fantasy, which later became her reality.  Seriously, she just had nothing else to focus on. Most of us were out living life in our 20s, making our mistakes, forging careers, studying, whatever. I do believe that is why she cannot articulate herself, she just lacks the confidence that comes from working, being independent and learning. She seems incapable of learning from her mistakes and too sensitive to criticism (recall engagement interview). It just all points to signs from someone who has never faced life with all its trials and travails. Her life has been as boring as it has been cloistered and one-dimensional. Having a conversation with Waity must be torture!  @ Lolly: I agree re the red dress. She just doesn't seem to have a clue. And quite right: it doesn't take a lot of effort to enlighten oneself. After all, these people don't have real jobs and all the help in the world. 
buck house's grey men need to either give Waity a full paragraph to memorize or refuse to allow her to answer questions. She has a fey, very delicate way of speaking that masks her sheer terror at having an original thought.
They gave her talking points. Sat her down.
in soft, fully oiled and eyelinered, robot voice:
"Waity-bot on target. Ready for orders, Sir."
"okay Waity-bot, um Catherine, this event is to spotlight the crisis, understand?"
the other grey man excitedly joined in.
"people may have lost track of the crisis."
He's praying that maybe this time she understands the seriousness of the situation and won't grin like a hyena. Whatever they do they just can't seem to delete that part of her programming. They've even had Tim Berners Lee in, that was an exciting day! The inventor of the internet. But no, he'd said, there is no way to download an app for empathy into skele-waity. Everytime that ring hits the sun, her micro processor explodes with smugness and glee and they are back to square one.
"no, no you don't have to keep repeating that Waity-bot, um Your royal highness."
"lost track. lost track. back on track.
"spotlight, back on track..."
the grey man shook his head and sighed. They had done all they could.
Perhaps publicly lying counts as a gaffe?
I watched Waity's engagement interview, and I really dislike her lies about ,"And I worked really hard in the family business, put a lot of weight into it....(blah blah) work hard and play hard..." I'm sure I'm not the only one who muttered,"Oh, what a liar" upon hearing those words. Waity is most likely aware that she has been and still is accused of being lazy, and she seemed to really want to clear her reputation in the interview. Such outright lying in an interview that millions of people around the world will watch for many years to come was a very stupid move.
[coeur / heart]
This word refers to all kinds of movements and desires, but what is constant is that the heart is constituted into a gift-object — whether ignored or rejected.
--Roland Barthes, "Fragments D'un Discours Amoureux"
^ I'm pretty much waiting (teehee) for that to come back and bite her. The tabs may love her now but it's because they want to build her up to tear her down. She's not going to stay on their good side forever (or for very long at this rate, considering many of the negative comments on the online articles). She's giving them a lot of fuel.
buck house's grey men need to either give Waity a full paragraph to memorize or refuse to allow her to answer questions. She has a fey, very delicate way of speaking that masks her sheer terror at having an original thought.
They gave her talking points. Sat her down.
in soft, fully oiled and eyelinered, robot voice:
"Waity-bot on target. Ready for orders, Sir."
"okay Waity-bot, um Catherine, this event is to spotlight the crisis, understand?"
the other grey man excitedly joined in.
"people may have lost track of the crisis."
He's praying that maybe this time she understands the seriousness of the situation and won't grin like a hyena. Whatever they do they just can't seem to delete that part of her programming. They've even had Tim Berners Lee in, that was an exciting day! The inventor of the internet. But no, he'd said, there is no way to download an app for empathy into skele-waity. Everytime that ring hits the sun, her micro processor explodes with smugness and glee and they are back to square one.
"no, no you don't have to keep repeating that Waity-bot, um Your royal highness."
"lost track. lost track. back on track.
"spotlight, back on track..."
the grey man shook his head and sighed. They had done all they could.
I have a good idea: Waity should sponsor a charity for "save the hyenas". She would look great on a poster with a bunch of hyenas in the background! 
[coeur / heart]
This word refers to all kinds of movements and desires, but what is constant is that the heart is constituted into a gift-object — whether ignored or rejected.
--Roland Barthes, "Fragments D'un Discours Amoureux"
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 Virgin Islands, British
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Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
You know billy the plumber got short-changed  He should have been allowed to include Carole Macbeth in every event that IAMDiana appears in, that way, IAMdiana can look like the vetriquilist doll, and Carole Macbeth can say all there is to say.  G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
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Re Waity lying in interview: yes, that is what I meant when I posted that she was 'too sensitive to criticism'.  It was really grating and obvious. She could have been more gracious about it instead of being aloof and snarly. And, with all that 'grinning' she'll age at an exponential rate if she's not careful.  @ getafix: why do you call William 'billy the plumber'?  I agree: Kate has never had an original thought in her entire life. 