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« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2011, 12:40:52 PM »

So many gaffes and she's just halfway through her first year being a royal. Do they not teach her these things at her 'How to be a duchess' lessons?

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« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2011, 01:06:59 PM »

Well, the engagement was an utter surprise to all, including William and Kate.  Something tipped Willy-boy over ...

And, I think the royal staff, with the exception of the sycophant Pinkerton, avoid Waity and all costs. I wouldn't be surprised if they are letting her fail miserably, deliberately.  Snare

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« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2011, 01:29:38 PM »

As a self-admitted Kate fan I shall say.....

I agree regarding the outfit selection when they went to Birmingham. It was ugly and it was flashy.

Regarding the 'interview' yesterday, it was off the cuff and I'm sure she was incredibly nervous. Public speaking in any form takes time and practice and it can't be easy to do it live on camera with a microphone in your face. In meetings at work I get flustered and nervous and can barely speak and on top of that my voice cracks, doesn't mean I'm a moron or an idiot just means that I get so nervous I can't get the words out.

I'm also going to chalk up the smiling at certain inappropriate times to being nervous, it happens. Noone said she was perfect and it's not even been a full year since the engagement announcement so she's got some growing pains.

I think Kate's problem lies with 10 years of not speaking publicly or really 'being' public with William and having a 'public role' of sorts. I think there trying to figure out how they can maintain their sense of normalcy that they had as Will and Kate but still be able to function together in public as William and Catherine.

I will never understand how some believe the engagement came as a surprise, JMO of course and I respect yours but they were together for 8 years......
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« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2011, 01:48:31 PM »

Hi heather.  Smiley

Just to be clear, I never stated that Kate was an 'idiot' or 'moron'. Those are not nice words to describe anyone.

I don't agree that she is just 'nervous'. She's had 10 years to get used to cameras being shoved in her face. That's why she complained to the Press Commission or whatever its called and why she received protection from the press. But that doesn't matter: we all have opinions and we are entitled to express them.  Champagne

I was once told that nerves also arise from just not knowing your stuff. I believe that is the case with Kate. She is vacuous and has not broadened her mind since university. She has not worked to any significant degree, either IMO. I don't count the made-up, part-time jobs at Jigsaw or PP, but I accept that others do.

My reasoning for suggesting that the engagement came as a surprise is really multi-factorial:

Firstly, they have had a turbulent relationship with significant breakups. There was a rumour about one year earlier that he wanted her to go and do her own thing, but she wouldn't leave.

Then there is the fact that Kate was so unprepared for that interview - she admitted that she did not know.

Crucially, William did not consult anyone - not even his grandmother. The whole royal family seemed to be taken aback. I know there is some debate about that, but the Queen took a long time to approve the marriage officially.

Even Harry stated that he didn't think William would propose, so I and others looking from the "outside" are not the only ones.  Tongue

Then there is the fact that William left Kate dangling for years, stuck in Berkshire with no life, copping a great deal of criticism and unkind names. It's not what I would call "love". But that is just my own perspective.

Allegedly, William told his grandmother and PP in 2007 that he did not love Kate 'enough' to marry her. Now, to me, that is significant. I would not marry a man who ever stated that about me - not for all the riches, titles, castles, jewels and privilege in the world. Love does not grow after so many years. If he didn't love her then, he does not love her now, IMO. I believe he settled for Kate, for whatever reason. Maybe that's why she has lost an extraordinary amount of weight?  Thinking

Finally, whenever he was in public with her, with the exception of that wedding when they were already engaged, they both looked utterly miserable to many people. I'm not asking you to agree with that; it's just my explanation.

Oh, one other thing: a few years ago Carol Middleton apparently told a reporter that she didn't know if a wedding would happen. I can't recall if it was official or not.  Thinking

So, there are some significant reasons as to why it came as a surprise to me, at least. Just because a couple has been dating for years, it doesn't mean marriage is inevitable. In fact, sometimes it can mean quite the opposite.


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« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2011, 01:58:42 PM »

Antithesis, I didn't mean you said those words, apologies if that was implied.   Hug I like to take the positive approach with regards to their relationship because at the end of the day the only two people that really know what goes on between them is them. I refuse to believe what's written because time and time again they've been proved miserably wrong.

She didn't know about the engagement interview? I'm pretty sure she did, she said the proposal came as a shock while in Kenya. Typically I would think that proposals are supposed to be surprises!

The Queen actually didn't have to approve the marriage officially as William was over 25. The BRF does nothing on the fly they knew an engagement was coming and that a wedding would be in 2011 but they didn't know the timing of the engagement and frankly why should they have? 

One more thing that I should have added earlier, the peanut butter paste situation is because she's pregnant and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Smiley

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« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2011, 02:04:07 PM »

Let's keep track of them. I have a feeling there will be many more!  Clown

For starters, in Copenhagen UNICEF were explaining the special nutritional food they send out and had prepared some for the group of royals to sample. Willy, Ferd and Mosh all obliged and tasted the food. 'Catherine' - who supposedly cares so much about the cause - refused to taste it. Doing this said many things. To the UNICEF employees who spent weeks preparing for the visit, it was a rude and unappreciative gesture. To the people who are starving, Waity has made it clear that she is above them and has no serious interest in their plight.

Another moment she messed up was the opportunity the press gave her to speak to the world and inform them about this serious situation. Too bad she didn't have any information in her head and couldn't speak about the issue or about UNICEF. Even CP Mary had things to say about the cause and UNICEF's work. Mary spoke in a serious tone. Compared to Waity, Mary actually has gravitas!

I think it was pretty terrible that she wouldn't even try the peanut butter samples. It's so bizarre, I wonder what her thought process was there. It just seems so heartless...but I guess that's our Waity! In the one picture I saw she also looks as if she's looking at Will (when he's trying it) with a really disgusted look on her face, like, if she is going to have to eat, she can't bear the thought of not eating her favorite foie gras.

I do have to cut her a tiny...tiny bit of slack on the giggling because it could have been nerves. When I had to tell my mom that my grandmother (her mom) had died I smiled and almost was MORTIFYING and of course I apologized immediately and said I was nervous or something (I can barely remember because I was in such a daze). But I do think it's a human response to laugh or smile in really nerve-wracking situations. However, she had no real connection to the people she was signing the condolence book for so not sure why she would really be all that nervous.

Her interview was really pathetic - nerves or no nerves. I agree with Heather1229 in that her problem is that she has had no real role - other than waiting waiting waiting and being at Wills' beck and call - for almost 10 years. If she had had a real job where she had to make presentations in meetings or give speeches, or she had been out there - in the trenches volunteering (or doing something, anything) - she would have more confidence and an easier time of being in the public now. Really, giving 3 answers about a cause you supposedly care about shouldn't have been so difficult!! And did you see Wills' face when she was speaking? He looked like he was about to poop his pants!

And what's with her breathy, super-posh accent? Give over, we know what's up. I think she's spent too much time in elocution classes and not enough time just getting on with things!

The biggest gaffe for me on the trip was that they spent 2 hours at lunch with Mary and Fred and only 15 minutes "packing" UNICEF boxes (this is all just based on articles though so may not be accurate). That seems pretty insane. So, they basically flew over there for lunch and then a quick stop off in the warehouse and at the airport? I think they would have been MUCH better off to have some sort of drive to raise food or goods in England to ship over. I really don't want all of her "work" to just be charity balls and photo ops. But I guess that's what we're going to get...

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« Reply #36 on: November 03, 2011, 02:22:05 PM »

Antithesis, I didn't mean you said those words, apologies if that was implied.   Hug I like to take the positive approach with regards to their relationship because at the end of the day the only two people that really know what goes on between them is them. I refuse to believe what's written because time and time again they've been proved miserably wrong.

She didn't know about the engagement interview? I'm pretty sure she did, she said the proposal came as a shock while in Kenya. Typically I would think that proposals are supposed to be surprises!

The Queen actually didn't have to approve the marriage officially as William was over 25. The BRF does nothing on the fly they knew an engagement was coming and that a wedding would be in 2011 but they didn't know the timing of the engagement and frankly why should they have?  

One more thing that I should have added earlier, the peanut butter paste situation is because she's pregnant and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Smiley

No offence taken at all!  Hug I just wanted to be clear because I don't like to be unkind. Having said that, I really admire your opinion of them and I hope I can be so conciliatory one day. I guess I hope Kate proves me and all her detractors wrong. I wanted to give her a chance upon the engagement, but when she got so defensive and hasn't yet risen to the occasion, I have just lost all hope.

Kate appears to be like Mary in that she is divisive.  Thinking

Re the engagement interview: yes, you are correct and I was not clear. I just got the impression that in Kate's mind, things could have swung the other way. In fact, I do recall Kate or a member of her family being worried that he might not show up!  Yikes

I'm glad that you are here to provide a different perspective on Kate. Sometimes I feel that negativity just pervades everyone's thinking. So I look forward to your posts.  Smiley

I have to correct you re Wills getting the Queen's approval: he does, absolutely. The Queen must give her approval via the Privy Council. It's just that if she didn't provide it, he could then apply to parliament and marry without it.  Smiley We, as citizens of the Commonwealth, tend to know about these things regarding the Head of State.  Wink

I'll accept that she is nervous, but I think that she would be less nervous if she did more work. You know: lick it!  Tongue I can hear her voice and she is nervous, definitely, and her mouth seemed very dry on her wedding day.

I'm going to give her a pass on the peanut butter tasting. Maybe she just doesn't like it?

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« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2011, 02:29:13 PM »

Kate has never been shy infront of the camera's as her break-up with William showed.She is very comfortable infront of large crowds and all the attention she is getting.It wasn't like she was having a pressconference.The whole point of her getting those princesslessons is to teach and prepare her for events like these.If she had prepared herself she would have no problem of speaking .The fact is that the couple wanted to put the spotlight on the issue again , because they are so affected by it .I didn't see it.

My biggest problem with her is the grinning.She tends to play the loved up wife during her engagements and keeps on looking to William and keeps on grinning and playing with her hair.I find it tragic. Every engagement tends to become a'' how much attention can i get from William''.I find it over the top.

I was looking at the respons from this visit and it looks like it already has died down.The only thing i could find on the DM was a comparison between Mary&Kate.They don't have the substance or the respect to carry of such an engagement.

I might think she is pregnant aswell , but it was William who passed her the peanutpaste Thinking

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« Reply #38 on: November 03, 2011, 02:38:02 PM »

I might think she is pregnant aswell , but it was William who passed her the peanutpaste Thinking

Well Rogue, he is a guy afterall and most of them don't think. Wink

Antithesis, thank you for the correction!  Smiley 
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« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2011, 02:42:04 PM »

I think she would stay at home if pregnant and not risk the plane flight?
This is Waity we are talking about. Any excuse not to work...
And even if she were nauseaus due to pregnancy, I still don't understand why couldn't taste
just a little of peanut butter?

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« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2011, 02:45:47 PM »

I wonder if she's going to grace the people with her presence at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday.  But standing on a balcony, looking solemn, might be too much for her.  Though it would be interesting to see if she acquires a new black outfit for the experience.

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« Reply #41 on: November 03, 2011, 03:36:17 PM »

Are you allowed to have that paste on the Dukan diet?  That might explain her gaffe.  Thinking Roll Eyes

That paste was designed for people with malnutrition, so if anyone should eat it, that would be Waity.

As for Waity being preggers, wasn't she recently having a cocktail at the recent outing she was at on behalf of the POW?  I saw her holding a drink, but I could be wrong.

"I was the one who was always pitched out front, whether it was my clothes, what I said, what my hair was doing, everything - which was a pretty dull subject, actually, and it's been exhausted over the years." - Diana
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« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2011, 03:41:59 PM »

Regarding the 'interview' yesterday, it was off the cuff and I'm sure she was incredibly nervous. Public speaking in any form takes time and practice and it can't be easy to do it live on camera with a microphone in your face. In meetings at work I get flustered and nervous and can barely speak and on top of that my voice cracks, doesn't mean I'm a moron or an idiot just means that I get so nervous I can't get the words out.
According to the press reports Kate wanted to do this event and was the one who suggested it to "raise awareness" of the issue and that includes TV coverage.

It was hardly a surprise that she was going to be interviewed. It would have been a surprise if a single media outfit hadn't spoken to them.

I'm also going to chalk up the smiling at certain inappropriate times to being nervous, it happens. Noone said she was perfect and it's not even been a full year since the engagement announcement so she's got some growing pains.
Lots of people react inappropriately at serious events but continuously grinning is out of line for a woman in her late 20s. When I'm in an awkward situation and feel a smile coming on I bite the inside of my lip- works a treat. There are any number of things Kate could do.



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« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2011, 03:55:24 PM »

Exceptional post! Banana

Great post! Good post

Rogue, Thumb up

Everyone, those not mentioned by name, there are lots of great posts in this thread! All of you make excellent points!


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« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2011, 03:57:53 PM »

As for Waity being preggers, wasn't she recently having a cocktail at the recent outing she was at on behalf of the POW?  I saw her holding a drink, but I could be wrong.
I think it was just a water goblet. Other people had champagne and she had a short-stemmed rounder glass...but she held her hand wrapped around it so you couldn't see the contents. I'll bet she just drinks water at all those functions anyway...she only weighs about 6 stone so I'd imagine even just a bit of alcohol goes straight to her head. Oops...I almost typed hair!

Allegedly, William told his grandmother and PP in 2007 that he did not love Kate 'enough' to marry her. Now, to me, that is significant. I would not marry a man who ever stated that about me - not for all the riches, titles, castles, jewels and privilege in the world. Love does not grow after so many years. If he didn't love her then, he does not love her now, IMO. I believe he settled for Kate, for whatever reason. Maybe that's why she has lost an extraordinary amount of weight?
That is really interesting, Antithesis. I hadn't heard the bit about William saying he didn't love her enough. While I do think he looks more relaxed around her (in public) now than he did prior to the engagement (although she look a lot LESS relaxed now), I do think he only married her out of default and no one else wanting the job.

I want to know whether people think they would have married or even dated so long if Diana were still alive. I think not because a) he wouldn't have had such mommy issues (which I think mama-Carole preyed upon) and b) I think Diana would have seen right through ol' Waity and given her the boot.


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