Hi heather.

Just to be clear, I never stated that Kate was an 'idiot' or 'moron'. Those are not nice words to describe anyone.
I don't agree that she is just 'nervous'. She's had 10 years to get used to cameras being shoved in her face. That's why she complained to the Press Commission or whatever its called and why she received protection from the press. But that doesn't matter: we all have opinions and we are entitled to express them.

I was once told that nerves also arise from just not knowing your stuff. I believe that is the case with Kate. She is vacuous and has not broadened her mind since university. She has not worked to any significant degree, either IMO. I don't count the made-up, part-time jobs at Jigsaw or PP, but I accept that others do.
My reasoning for suggesting that the engagement came as a surprise is really multi-factorial:
Firstly, they have had a turbulent relationship with significant breakups. There was a rumour about one year earlier that he wanted her to go and do her own thing, but she wouldn't leave.
Then there is the fact that Kate was so unprepared for that interview - she admitted that she did not know.
Crucially, William did not consult anyone - not even his grandmother. The whole royal family seemed to be taken aback. I know there is some debate about that, but the Queen took a long time to approve the marriage officially.
Even Harry stated that he didn't think William would propose, so I and others looking from the "outside" are not the only ones.

Then there is the fact that William left Kate dangling for years, stuck in Berkshire with no life, copping a great deal of criticism and unkind names. It's not what I would call "love". But that is just my own perspective.
Allegedly, William told his grandmother and PP in 2007 that he did not love Kate 'enough' to marry her. Now, to me, that is significant. I would not marry a man who ever stated that about me - not for all the riches, titles, castles, jewels and privilege in the world. Love does not grow after so many years. If he didn't love her then, he does not love her now, IMO. I believe he settled for Kate, for whatever reason. Maybe that's why she has lost an extraordinary amount of weight?

Finally, whenever he was in public with her, with the exception of that wedding when they were already engaged, they both looked utterly miserable to many people. I'm not asking you to agree with that; it's just my explanation.
Oh, one other thing: a few years ago Carol Middleton apparently told a reporter that she didn't know if a wedding would happen. I can't recall if it was official or not.

So, there are some significant reasons as to why it came as a surprise to me, at least. Just because a couple has been dating for years, it doesn't mean marriage is inevitable. In fact, sometimes it can mean quite the opposite.