That still doesn't excuse her grinning like a Cheshire cat. There are two things called empathy and having respect for the dead which Kate doesn't have.
I also find her grin irritating. By grinning on an occasion where you are expected to solemnly pay respect to earthquake victims, Waity only showed her callousness and lack of respect for other people.
There's no question that Waity lacks common sense.
(Oh, but maybe it's a side effect of getting hit in the head by a club/hockey maybe I shouldn't be so harsh?

Waity's behavior doesn't come as a surprise to me, though. Actually I think Waity has been too shielded from the real society by her parents and that's exactly why she has no idea about the hardships and pain that
others sometimes experience. Of course, getting hounded by the press and publicly dumped by the world's most famous prince is in a way exceedingly painful and humiliating, but obviously that hasn't helped build her maturity.
And her not having anything solid to say to the press at the UNICEF meeting is also inexcusable. A lot of information regarding UNICEF is available on the internet.
1) If she didn't want to do any homework, she could have had the palace PR team do it for her,
2) If courtiers really wanted to watch out for her, they could have reminded her and prepared info for her in advance.
Now, if they deliberately let Waity do her own homework (which we know she's incapable of), it leads me to suspect that some palace staff are waiting to watch her fail.

3) If the courtiers did do their part and prepared a file of UNICEF information for Waity, and she was just too LAZY to read it, then she's going to fail anyway (very soon).
I don't think Waity will survive on the long run. Honestly, she doesn't have the brain capacity.